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Tenzo Restaurant Analytics

Manage your restaurant more efficiently. Get access to detailed inventory and sales data in Tenzo and make informed decisions.

Connect Tenzo with Apicbase and get real-time data to the right person to action those insights.

Reduce manual actions. Automate email reports and get beautifully designed analytics.

Get crystal clear data. Oversee your entire operation. Focus on areas of improvement.

What is Tenzo

Tenzo is an analytics and sales forecasting platform for restaurants, bars and cafes. It integrates with your POS system, labour planner, and Apicbase to bring all your restaurant data together in one app and send actionable insights to the right person at the right time on desktop or mobile.

Tenzo's reporting helps you drive up revenues while reducing costs and makes running a restaurant business more zen.

AI Forecasting. Tenzo’s machine learning algorithm helps guide your ordering and prepping to get to the right amount every time. Dramatically reduce your food costs with forecasting that is 30-50% more accurate than traditional methods.

Important Integration Features


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Apicbase provides deep insight into our F&B flows. The reports help us decide which menus to kill, how to optimise procedures and how to better deal with food cost. Apicbase allows us to build our business on reliable data.

Rens Bekkers

Bright Kitchen

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