Curb food cost with data-driven POs

Prevent overstocks and stock shrinkage at every unit. Your purchase orders and buying decisions are guided by real-time data from your inventories, production and planning.

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Visualise the numbers

Everything you want to know is captured in a single graph. Identify which dishes are both popular AND profitable - in a flash.

Visualise the numbers

Everything you want to know is captured in a single graph. Identify which dishes are both popular AND profitable - in a flash.

Zoom in, zoom out

Go granular. Get the numbers on whole categories, menus or specific items. And let Apicbase sort them out.

Zoom in, zoom out

Go granular. Get the numbers on whole categories, menus or specific items. And let Apicbase sort them out.

Get creative

Make better menu choices. Let the hardcore data guide your menu choices and product development.

Get creative

Make better menu choices. Let the hardcore data guide your menu choices and product development.

Prevent rogue spending

A data-driven approach to food management


The single source of truth for your company’s food management.


Reduce manual actions. Automate workflows. Avoid errors. Save time.


Track metrics group-wide. Compare unit performance. Spot irregularities.


Get clear data. Oversee your entire operation. Focus on areas of improvement.

Apicbase allows us to catch small errors in inventory management before they snowball and turn into big issues.

John King

Executive Chef

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