Apicbase Webinars > Data-Driven Restaurants

UpcomingAugust 25, 2022 | 3.30 PM CET | 45 Min

Data In Restaurants – Build Up Competitive Advantage By Reducing Change Deficit

Nehme Imad Darwiche

Beiruti, Heirloom & Yokoso
Carl Jacobs Headshot

Carl Jacobs

Co-founder & CEO
Nikolai Wullaert Headshot

Nikolai Wullaert

Teamleader Partnerships

About The Webinar

Soon the entire foodservice industry will be 100% data driven.

That means every restaurant company is going through a transformation process right now. But not everyone is at the same stage of digitalisation yet.

Emerging brands are taking the lead, but even they get caught up in the day-to-day of running restaurants.

The further ahead you can be in this phase of transformation, the harder it will for the competition to catch up.

In this webinar, we’ll talk about the challenges you face and how you can avoid them so that you can grow your business without compromise.

This webinar is best for:

What you'll learn:


Nehme Imad Darwiche

Beiruti, Heirloom & Yokoso
Carl Jacobs Headshot

Carl Jacobs

Co-founder & CEO
Nikolai Wullaert Headshot

Nikolai Wullaert

Teamleader Partnerships

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