Restaurant Procurement Guide For Multi-Site Operators

Restaurant Procurement Guide For Multi-Site Operators

Rebates from one supplier. Bulk order discounts from another. Hours-late delivery trucks that are making you bite through the side of your desk because all your steaks are in them… But there you are, as cool as a cucumber, solving problems on the fly. You know the name of the game, don’t you? It’s called […]

Restaurant Automation: The Key to Back of House Efficiency 

Restaurant Automation - The Key to Back of House Efficiency

When thinking about restaurant automation, imagining a future where AI-powered androids shake cocktails and drones drop food deliveries through your skylight is fun. But automation in food service is much more than that. The 2024 Square Future of Restaurants report surveyed thousands of restaurant owners and customers across the United States, Canada, and the UK. […]

Back of House Restaurant Guide: Integrating FOH and BOH for Seamless Operations 

Restaurant back-of-house operations form the backbone of a restaurant’s success.  The back-of-house (or BOH) manages crucial elements that impact cost control and profitability. These include food production and inventory management. Additionally, the BOH handles food safety and restaurant administration. The back of the house supports the front of the house (FOH), enabling the customer-facing team […]

How to Maximise Your Restaurant Profit Margin: 5 Key Strategies

How to Maximise Your Restaurant Profit Margin_ 5 Key Strategies - Header

Understanding what influences your restaurant profit margin helps you assess the success of the business and make positive changes.  A slight improvement in your net profit makes a huge difference. It’s worth, therefore, investing in improving operations to boost your margin. In this guide, we’ll examine the definitions and calculations for different types of restaurant […]

Restaurant Operations Management: Definition, Duties, and Use Cases  

Success for a waiter is in providing everything the customer needs while they barely notice what you are doing.  Similarly, restaurant operations management is about seamlessly making the whole operation work: facilitating an excellent customer experience, giving staff everything they need to do their jobs, and making the restaurant run smoothly and efficiently.  Read on […]

Secrets of Operational Excellence: How High-performing Restaurant Leaders Optimise Operations [and What They Do Differently]

As restaurants expand to multiple locations, the challenges operators face increase exponentially. They need to maintain consistency, provide excellent customer experience and optimise performance across a growing number of locations. Meanwhile, the market keeps changing at the speed of light.  Some business leaders navigate those challenges noticeably better than others.  In this article, I explore […]

15 Powerful Ways To Reduce Food Waste In Multi-Site Restaurants

Every report on food waste is a jaw-dropper. Food waste is a monumental problem with massive consequences. An estimated 32% of all food produced worldwide is lost or wasted from farm to fork (some reports even say between 40-50%).  This inefficiency has a gigantic economic, social and environmental impact. Let’s focus on the economy for […]