8 Cloud Kitchen Menu Engineering Hacks for Boosting Delivery Orders

8 Cloud Kitchen Menu Engineering Hacks for Boosting Delivery Order

While I briefly mention menu engineering for cloud kitchens in other articles, I don’t really drill into it. It is an injustice begging to be righted. That’s why, in this post, I’m all about cloud kitchen menu design and delivery. Here’s the rundown of what you’ll take away from here: If, after reading this, you […]

Top 6 Cloud Kitchen Business Models You Need to Know About

Top 6 Cloud Kitchen Business Models You Need to Know About

Here’s the thing — this was supposed to turn into a be-all-end-all post on the topic of cloud kitchen business models. At least, that was the plan until I hit the research equivalent of a brick wall. The fact of the matter is that cloud kitchen business models are still evolving. They are a smörgåsbord […]

How Will Off-Premise Dining In Europe Evolve? A Glimpse Into The Future

Who can imagine the restaurant industry today without off-premise dining options like delivery, takeaway, curbside pickup, ghost kitchens, and drive-thru?  It’s safe to say that off-premise dining has become an essential part of consumers’ lifestyles and a massive driver of industry growth.  Even with consumers happily returning to restaurants in the wake of the pandemic, […]

24 Cost-Reducing Tips That Will Make Your Cloud Kitchen Profitable Within a Year

24 cost-reducing hacks

You’re running (or thinking of running) a cloud kitchen, and you’re here trying to figure out how to keep your costs down? (Or a ghost kitchen. Errm, virtual kitchen? Or maybe a dark kitchen? For this post, let’s just all agree that we can use these terms interchangeably, or we won’t get anything done.) Anyway, […]

How to turn your dine-in restaurant into a takeout and delivery business?

coronavirus transform dine-in restaurant into takeout food delivery

Governments all over the world are taking bold but necessary measures to slow down the spreading of the coronavirus. One of those actions is to close down the dine-in service of restaurants (or to discourage people from visiting food businesses). Restaurant owners are making the best out of the situation by turning their businesses into […]